Our Services

Analyses and Development

Elettroplast supplies a full service, from the analysis of the components, to the design of the mould, resulting in the customised moulded components delivered to customer’s production lines.
Our skilled staff have the expertise required to offer customers the right warranties for the SOP (start of production) of their products.
We work closely with our customers, performing the following step-by-step analyses:

  • analyses of critical issues (thin, difficult to fill profiles, potential suction issues, risks of buckling etc.; analysis of undercuts and of the costs related to the type of mould movement necessary and the press required as a result);
  • analysis of the design mould (verification of injection points, analysis of the type of extraction, the cooling process, and the mouldflow).

Injection mould manufacturing

Our moulds are manufactured by moulders certified by the company. These are selected based on the unique features of the designs: multi-cavity needs, micro-parts, bi/tri-materials, aesthetic or transparent details, and technical details (technopolymers and superpolymers).
The timing of the manufacturing process is constantly monitored by the project manager, who is in contact with the moulders and the customer on a day-to-day basis.
An important customer guarantee is the ordinary maintenance of the moulds, carried out internally in a department also equipped with a laser welder, enabling the prompt repair of the moulding parts.

Injection moulding

Il nostro reparto di stampaggio è altamente automatizzato. I professionisti specializzati utilizzano 52 presse Arburg ad iniezione – idrauliche ed elettriche- che coprono un range che va dalle 50 alle 320 tonnellate. Tutte le presse sono dotate di un sistema di presa robotizzato a due o tre assi; è presente anche un’isola bordo pressa con robot antropomorfo per la presa e l’assiemaggio dei componenti.
Each press is served by control units for thermoregulating the moulds, which operate at high temperatures (when moulding superpolymers). In the department, employees work according to a three-shift rota to ensure the rapid execution of production orders and compliance with customer delivery times.
Our material transport and treatment system is one of the strong points of our new plant, designed from a 4.0 perspective. In fact, two sorting units are used to connect all the presses to the dehumidifiers and cold-material gripping points. The system also enables the constant monitoring of the press cooling system.

All this is transformed every day into efficiency and quality.


On request, Elettroplast offers a range of component stabilising treatments to complete the moulding process:

  • tempering furnaces, which guarantee the dimensional stability of the components over time, preventing subsequent shrinkages
  • in-tank conditioning, which results in the hygroscopic saturation of materials, thereby increasing their mechanical characteristics and allowing them to be used immediately on customer lines.


Customizziamo i prodotti dei nostri clienti. Loghi, icone e texture applicate a componenti plastici, grazie all’utilizzo di Laser per la marcatura.
Il processo di marcatura garantisce personalizzazioni di qualità, durevoli nel tempo e resistenti agli utilizzi del prodotto sul quale vengono incisi.
I laser di marcatura “palettizzati” offrono una soluzione altamente competitiva, gli stessi prevedono anche l’impiego di speciali mandrini per la marcatura di manopole e di componenti su piani ad altezze diverse, ottimizzando le fasi di carico e scarico, garantendo efficacia e qualità ai nostri clienti.

Assiemaggio e test

Al fine di supportare al meglio il cliente, rispondendo all’esigenza di ricevere sottogruppi completi e collaudati, Elettroplast propone attività di assemblaggio e test, completato anche dalla “saldatura ad ultrasuoni”.

This guarantees:
• the traceability of the sub components used for the product;
• continuous and constant process monitoring;
• quality control and final testing.

Il servizio di assiemaggio è svolto in house, invece le finiture quali verniciatura, tampografia, serigrafia, stampa a caldo, sono servizi gestiti in outsourcing, mezzo fornitori certificati dall’azienda stessa e dalle periodiche ispezioni di Elettroplast.


Promptness and reactivity are two of the characteristics that make us stand out.

We start by correctly analysing and locating raw materials and finished product: logistics are therefore a fundamental aspect of our service.
We digitally manage loading and unloading operations from our warehouses, the creation of shipping and picking lists, as well as delivery notes for customers and suppliers, so guaranteeing accuracy and efficiency.